白髭 克彦白髭 克彦 SHIRAHIGE, Katsuhiko

東京大学 定量生命科学研究所 教授/所長

Professor Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences The University of Tokyo
Lab HP:





Research in this group: 4D configuration of chromosomes and cell differentiation

It is believed that step by step conversion of 3D structure of chromosome (4D information) is essential for cell to continue down its path of differentiation.

To understand how chromosome 4D information is transformed into the functional genetic information, we will analyze the structural change of the chromosome during the neurodifferentiation of the embryonic stem cell using genomic technologies, such as Hi-C and ChIA-PET. Particularly, we are very much interested in clarifying the molecular link between high-order chromatin structure and regulation of elongation of RNA PolII that is supposed to be mediated by cohesin and NIPBL/MAU2 complex, a cohesin loading complex. For this end, we will adopt in vitro reconstitution system of early elongation complex to analyze direct involvement of cohesin and its loader in transcription.

Comment: More light on chromosome research!



平野 達也平野 達也 HIRANO, Tatsuya

理化学研究所 主任研究員

Chief Scientist, RIKEN
Lab HP:



私たちは、これまでに、カエル精子核を精製タンパク質標品と混合することによって分裂期染色体様構造を再構成することに成功している。さらに、組換えサブユニットから再構成したコンデンシン I 複合体を利用して、個々のサブユニットの機能を検定する実験系も確立した。本研究課題では、これら2つの強力なアプローチを組み合わせて染色体の完全再構成系を確立し、個々の因子の機能とその協調原理を理解する。


Research in this group: 3D architecture of mitotic chromosomes

The assembly of mitotic chromosomes is an essential prerequisite to their faithful segregation during cell division. The main goal of this project is to understand the molecular principle of three-dimensional architecture of mitotic chromosomes through a bold attempt to reconstitute them in a test tube.

We have been successful so far in reconstituting mitotic chromatids by incubating sperm chromatin with a minimum set of purified factors. Moreover, we have established an experimental system for dissecting the molecular function of the condensin I complex by using recombinant subunits in Xenopus egg cell-free extracts. In this project, we will combine these two powerful approaches to establish a “complete” chromosome reconstitution system.

Comment: A good understanding of mitotic chromosome architecture is just around the corner, I think.



深川 竜郎深川 竜郎 FUKAGAWA, Tatsuo

大阪大学 大学院生命機能研究科 教授

Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University
Lab HP:





Research in this group: Chromosome architecture through centromeres

We have been studying on the centromere, which is crucial for faithful chromosome segregation. On the other hand, we have not tried to understand how centromeres are related to other chromosomal functions including DNA replication, transcription etc.

In this research group, we will collaborate with experts in each chromosome biology field and try to understand a principle of chromosome architecture through the collaborations. For example, we will try to create a “model chromosome” to assemble centromere structure on artificial chromatin and contribute to understanding chromosome OS.

Comment: We would like to understand how mitotic chromosomes are organized through understanding of centromere architecture.



岩崎 博史岩崎 博史 IWASAKI, Hiroshi

東京工業大学 大学院生命理工学研究科 教授

Professor, School and Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Lab HP:


DNAの二重鎖切断(DNA double strand break; DSB)は、細胞にとって最も危機的なDNA損傷の一つである。DSBの修復には相同組換えが主要なDNA修復機構として機能する。

本新学術班では、DSBが導入された染色体がいかにDSB修復を実現しているのか、その調和の取れたメカニズム(オーケストレーションシステム;OS)について、染色体の時空間制御機構解析 (Hi-Cなど)、組換え反応の試験管内再構成系、さらに、リアルタイム解析・1分子解析などによって多面的に切り込む.4D情報解析のパイロット実験は、分裂酵母の接合型変換をモデル系とする.これらのアプローチにより、DSB修復装置が核内でどのように時空間を制御して作動するのか、その分子基盤や基本原理を明らかにする。


Research in this group

DNA double strand break (DSB) is the most serious form of DNA damage. Homologous recombination (HR) plays a very important role in the repair of this damage. In this study section, I will describe the molecular mechanism responsible for the repair of DSBs on chromosomes (HR-repair orchestration system).

To this end, I will elaborate on how multidisciplinary and comprehensive strategies, including analysis of temporal-spatial regulation of chromosome configuration (such as Hi-C), in vitro reconstitution of homologous recombination, and real-time and single-molecule assays of DNA strand exchange reactions, can be used to investigate this central issue in cell biology. In addition, as a pilot study, I will also study the molecular mechanisms of mating-type switching of fission yeast to obtain 4-D information (temporal development of chromosome configuration) on the mat locus in the nucleus. These approaches will further our understanding of how the various factors that form the DSB repair-apparatus and its fundamental mechanistic principles are orchestrated to work in an orderly manner in the nucleus.

Comment: HR is cool!



篠原 彰篠原 彰 Akira SHINOHARA

大阪大学 蛋白質研究所 教授

Osaka University, Institute for Protein Research, Professor
Lab HP:





Research in this group

Meiosis, which produces haploid gametes for sexual differentiation, accompanies drastic changes in Chromosome Orchestration System (OS) and provides strict regulation on chromosome metabolisms such as recombination.

In this study, we will envision meiotic chromosomes as a manifestation of Chromosome OS and aim to reveal molecular mechanism of control for the recombination in the context of chromosome axis-loop configuration. By studying basic chromosome 4D structure and dynamics of protein involved in the recombination, we will understand the role of chromosome structure in the control of dynamics of recombination machinery.



荒木 弘之荒木 弘之 ARAKI, Hiroyuki

国立遺伝学研究所 教授

Professor, National Institute of Genetics
Lab HP:


遺伝情報を担う染色体では様々な反応が調和して起こることにより、染色体がその構造も含めて安定に維持され、倍加し、娘細胞へと分配されていく。我々は、出芽酵母のin vitro DNA複製系を主に用いてこの問題に取り組もうとしている。

そのため複製機構の解析とそれに基づいて、クロマチン構造を持つDNAでも効率良く複製するin vitro系を構築する。そして、この系に種々のDNA動態に関わる因子を導入し、複製反応とそれらがどのように調和して進むかを調べ、3D染色体の構築原理に迫りたい。


Research in this group

Various reactions occur on chromosome, which carries the genetic information, in an orchestrated manner, so that the chromosome with proper structure is maintained stably, duplicated and segregated to daughter cells. We will study on orchestration of the reactions, using in vitro DNA replication system of budding yeast.

For this purpose, we will improve the system to replicate DNA efficiently even if DNA is chromatinized. Then, we will add the factors involved in chromosome dynamics other than DNA replication to the system, examine how various reactions proceed coordinately and reveal the principles of formation of 3D chromosome.

Comment: We have studied on the molecular mechanism of DNA replication. As many reactions occur coordinately on chromosomes to confer stable maintenance, we will reveal this orchestration or coordination in collaboration with members of this research group.



広田 亨広田 亨 HIROTA, Toru

公益財団法人がん研究会がん研究所 部長

Chief, Cancer Institute, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research (JFCR)
Lab HP:





Research in this group

Chromosomal instability is a widespread pathological condition in malignancies, which propagates both numerical and structural chromosomal aberrations as cells proliferate. Although reduced fidelity of mitosis is thought to evolve aneuploid tumors, the explosion of our understanding of mitotic control in the last two decades has not uncovered models for chromosomal instability. Here we aim to articulate chromosome structure based on both microscopic and genetic analyses, and to characterize its chronological changes during acquisition of chromosomal instability.

These efforts should lead us to explore defective cellular physiology in malignancies, and thereby to facilitate developing cancer interventions targeting chromosomal instability.

Comment: Our goal is to make a breakthrough in our understanding of chromosomal instability, which has long been an outstanding issue in cancer biology.



今井 由美子今井 由美子 IMAI Yumiko


Project Leader of the Regulation of Intractable Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition
Lab HP:




ひとこと:Think different

Research in this group

Upon virus infection, virus-host interaction is triggered in the host, which regulates virus replication machinery as well as host immune responses, leading to the pathogenesis of virus infection. Influenza virus is a negative-sense RNA virus, and transcription and replication of the virus genome occur in the nucleus. Accumulating evidence shows that environmental stress can control higher-order chromatin structures, resulting in the regulation of chromatin function.

Our group is trying to systemically investigate the dynamic (4D) changes in higher-order chromatin structures following influenza virus infection, which link to transcriptional regulation involved in the pathogenesis of influenza virus infection. The data from our study may contribute to clarify the nature of chromatin orchestration system (OS) in response to virus infection, which could be a potential therapeutic target for virus infections.

Comment: My motto is “Think different”.



伊藤 武彦伊藤 武彦 ITOH, Takehiko

東京工業大学 大学院生命理工学研究科 教授

Professor, Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology Tokyo Institute of Technology


まず、ChIA-PET, Hi-C法などNGSを用いた実験データからの情報学的な染色体立体構造予測アルゴリズムを構築し、他班員が取得するin vivo / in vitro系での実験データに適用して検証を加え、アルゴリズムの高精度化を継続的に図る。続いて得られた立体構造同士を比較するアルゴリズムを構築、異なる条件下や細胞腫など様々なレベルでの比較解析を実施することで、高次構造における様々な階層のビルディングブロックを抽出し、その普遍性と多様性の理解を目指す。


Research in this group

First, we will develop a computational algorithm for the prediction of chromosome tertiary structures based on NGS experimental data (ChIA-PET, Hi-C) and we will continuously maintain and develop our algorithm by using it for in vivo / in vitro experimental data, the results of which other members in this research group will produce. Subsequently, we will develop the algorithm to compare between tertiary structures and apply it to analyze data obtained under different experimental conditions or for different kinds of cells. Using these analyses, we will extract the various hierarchal levels of the important “building blocks” and try to understand their universality and diversity.

In addition, via the development of “chromosome OS platform,” we will try to visualize every analytical data at 1D to 4D levels with the objective to use this advanced platform to construct experimental hypothesis.



大杉美穂大杉美穂 OHSUGI, Miho


Professor, Graduate school of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Lab HP:




Research in this group

We have been studying the cell cycle and chromosome dynamics during and following fertilization in mice with a focus on the mammalian-specific regulatory mechanisms. Xenopus egg extract is an excellent cell-free system, which has provided important knowledge to chromosome research field. We have been trying to establish mouse egg extract cell-free system that reflects the mammalian-specific oocyte features. In this study, we aim to reveal the global and mammalian-specific essential factors and processes to construct mitotic chromosomes by comparison and combination of Xenopus and mouse egg extract systems.

Comment:I will pore over and try hard to study over the next half-decade



石井 浩二郎石井 浩二郎 ISHII, Kojiro

大阪大学 大学院生命機能研究科 特任准教授

Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University
Lab HP:





Research in this group

In this joint research project, we are going to uncover the direct responses cells exhibit against the alteration in chromosome configuration and organization. Unlike mutations in genes, chromosomal alterations often elicit a large-scale change in the nuclear DNA content and also a twist of gene dosage, which can be analogous to the consequence of “chromosomal instability (CIN)”.

CIN is a critical trait frequently associated with cancer cells; however, it has been poorly understood what actually happens to the cells encountering CIN. Using fission yeast as a model system, we will try to elucidate the entire cascade of cellular responses provoked by the chromosomal alteration in 4-dimensional manner.

Comment: Amazing chromosomes…



永江 玄太永江 玄太 NAGAE, Genta

東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター 助教

Assistant Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Lab HP:





Research in this group

Spatial positioning of chromatin is well-organized and plays an essential role for establishment of gene expression patterns during cellular differentiation. Recently, NGS-based technologies have allowed us to detect their physical proximity in a genome-wide manner. However, more effective and quantitative approaches are needed to clarify the complicated information of epigenome interaction.

We would like to contribute to the understanding of 3D chromatin formation through the technology improvement.

Comment: We will try the multiple approaches to chromatin.



吉田 健一吉田 健一 YOSHIDA, Kenichi

京都大学 腫瘍生物学 助教

Assistant professor, Department of Pathology and Tumor Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
Lab HP:





Research in this group

Previously, we analyzed the genetic alterations in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) using next-generation sequencing technologies, and indentified a number of novel genetic abnormalities in these neoplasmas. Among these, we identified somatic mutations of components of the cohesin complex and CTCF and chromosomal abnormalities involving these genes in adult AML/MDS as well as Down syndrome-related acute megakaryoblastic leukemia.

Currently, we are working on the mechanism by which deregulated cohesin function lead to tumorigenesis in a mouse model.

Comment: We are happy to join this collaborative research project.



岡田 由紀岡田 由紀 OKADA, Yuki

東京大学 定量生命科学研究所 准教授

Associate Professor, Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, The University of Tokyo




Research in this group

Our goal is to elucidate the unique chromatin structure of sperm, especially regarding the regularity and physiological function of sperm chromatin condensation due to massive histone-protamine replacement. In this group, we collaborate with Dr. Shirahige and some other members to clarify the high-order structure of mouse sperm chromatin using next-generation sequencing techniques.

Comment: My study used to rely on DNA sequences, but now I feel“macro (global)”viewpoint is getting more important (not only about science).


篠原 美紀篠原 美紀 SHINOHARA, Miki


(until March)

Associate Professor, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University(until March)
Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Bioscience, Kindai University




Research in this group

DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair plays an important role to maintain genome integrity. In humans, appropriate repair-pathway must be selected depending on the circumstances of the cell or properties of the damage, otherwise it promotes genomic instability which often causes cell tumorigenesis. Here, we will analyze the molecular mechanism to maintain accuracy of DSB repair, and analyze how that system is broken at the beginning of cell tumorigenesis.

Comment: We are under adventures chasing DSBs!



公募班 H29~H30

佐藤 薫佐藤 薫 Kaoru, Sato


Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Lab HP:


ショウジョウバエ Piwi-piRNA核内複合体はトランスポゾンの発現を転写レベルで抑制するが、その分子機構は未だ不明である。私たちは、Piwi-piRNA核内複合体がヌクレオソームやゲノムDNAと相互作用していることを明らかにしており、それらのヒストン修飾状態や相互作用ゲノム領域を決定することで、トランスポゾンの転写抑制機構に迫りたい。


Research in this group

Piwi-piRNA (PIWI-interacting RNA) nuclear complex represses the expression of Transposon transcriptionally in Drosophila ovarian somatic cell. Recently, we found that the Piwi-piRNA complex associates with Nucleosomes and genomic DNA. To address the molecular mechanism of transcriptional silencing of transposons by the complex, we will examine the histone modifications and genomic regions associated with the Piwi-piRNA complex.

Comment:Ummm… what exactly is happening on transposons?



山中 総一郎山中 総一郎 Soichiro, Yamanaka

慶應義塾大学 医学部助教

Instructor, Keio University School of Medicine
Lab HP:




Research in this group

There is an ongoing battle between host genome and transposons. We would like to understand the multifaceted nature of transposons, such as invaders or integral components in the genome, with biochemical and bioinformatic tools.

Comment:Heading towards old and new chromosome research



新海 創也新海 創也 Soya, Shinkai

理化学研究所 生命システム研究センター研究員

Research Scientist, RIKEN Quantitative Biology Center (QBiC)
Lab HP:




Research in this group

We will uncover dynamic and cooperative interactions among gene loci within a chromatin domain using numerical simulations based on a theoretical model of chromatin domains, which we have developed recently. Especially, in order to develop an innovative area in Chromosome OS, we will combine molecular biological information from ChIP-seq, Hi-C, and ChIA-PET as meta-information with our physical model.

Comment:As a theoretical physicist, I’m interested in the dynamic hierarchy of chromosome organization associated with the structure ant functions.



真柳 浩太真柳 浩太 Kouta, MAYANAGI


Assistant Professor, Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University
Lab HP:




Research in this group

A huge number of proteins are involved in chromosome dynamics, and they often assemble to form huge complexes, accomplishing each function through highly regulated manner. Due to the developments of the new generation detectors, electron microscopic single particle analysis is now one of the most powerful methods to study such complex system. In this research program, we will study the structure and the molecular mechanism of DNA-protein assemblies, such as FACT-nucleosome and replicative helicase complex, by single particle analysis.

Comment:Seeing is believing



石井 俊輔石井 俊輔 Shunsuke, Ishii


Distinguished Senior Scientist, RIKEN
Lab HP:




Research in this group

We are interested in the role of ATF2 family of transcription factors in the regulation of chromatin structure. Recently, we have found that ATF7, one member of this family, is involved in the stress-induced telomere shortening in the present and next generations. In this group, we aim to clarify the mechanism of this phenomenon.

Comment:We are interested in the inheritance mechanism of chromatin structure.



舛本 寛舛本 寛 Hiroshi, Masumoto


Head of the Laboratory, Kazusa DNA Research Institute
Lab HP:




Research in this group

Centromere chromatin including CENP-A assembles on the centromeric satellite DNA. On the same satellite DNA, antagonizing heterochromatin also assembles. The mechanisms by which centromere chromatin impacts on the establishment and maintenance of proper centromere function for the chromosome segregation process have not been clarified. We will analyze how the centromere functional structure assembles and maintains on the satellite DNA using human artificial chromosome system, and how the shift of the chromatin assembly balance between heterochromatin influences the functional structure.

Comment:CENP-A or heterochromatin?



村山 泰斗村山 泰斗 Yasuto, Murayama

国立遺伝学研究所 新分野創造センター染色体生化学研究室准教授

Associate Professor, Chromosome Biochemistry Laboratory • Murayama Group, National Institute of Genetics
Lab HP:


Smc5/6複合体は、 DNA 複製、相同組換え、染色体分配などゲノム動態の広域に機能する。しかし、これらの反応でどのように機能するかは不明である。本研究は、試験管内再構成解析を中心に、Smc5/6複合体の生化学的性質を明らかにし、その機能の理解を目指す。


Research in this group

The ring-shaped Smc5/6 complex functions in DNA replication, recombination as well as chromosome segregation. In this study, I will biochemically reconstitute the Smc5/6 complex to understand its functions in the broad range of chromosome biology.

Comment:do my best.



竹林 慎一郎竹林 慎一郎 Shin-ichiro, Takebayashi


Instructor, Mie University Graduate School of Medicine
Lab HP:




Research in this group

We will investigate structural characteristics of mammalian chromosomes at the level of individual cells using a novel technique for analyzing replication domains (chromosomal unit defined by DNA replication timing). Our goal is to uncover both dynamic and static properties of chromosomal domains and their functional significance.

Comment:I’ll do my best!


中井 謙太中井 謙太 Kenta, Nakai


Professor, The Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo
Lab HP:




Research in this group

To understand why some enhancers work differently in different cell types, we will construct a platform (i.e., a repository system) that collects genome-wide data on chromatin structures via various experiments, such as Hi-C/ChIA-PET/ChIP-seq, then supporting their visual/clearer interpretation.

Comment:Mehr Data!



坪内 知美坪内 知美 Tomomi, Tsubouchi

自然科学研究機構 基礎生物学研究所准教授

Associate Professor, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, National Institute for Basic Biology
Lab HP:




Research in this group

We will investigate roles of chromosome OS during the course of reprogramming towards pluripotency (the ability to differentiate into all cell types that compose one’s body). There are high expectations for reprogramming technology that allows introduction of pluripotency into differentiated cells for their use in regenerative medicine. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms that allow cellular reprogramming still remain elusive. We will approach this question by exploiting cell-fusion system and imaging technology.

Comment:Will be putting all our effort into this project!



落合 博落合 博 Hiroshi, Ochiai


Lecturer (Special appointment), Department of Mathematical and Life Sciences, Graduate school of Science, Hiroshima University
Lab HP:




Research in this group

Recent advancement of 3C related techniques allows us to be approaching an understanding of the relationship between gene regulation and genomic interactions. However, because of technical difficulties, how dynamically they behave in a single cell is still elusive. In this study, using a live-imaging method for simultaneous measurements of the transcriptional activity and nuclear position of endogenous genes, I will try to elucidate the dynamic relationship between higher nuclear organization and gene regulation.

Comment:I will try to approach chromosome function using live imaging.



立花 誠立花 誠 Makoto, Tachibana


Professor, Institute for Advanced Enzyme Research, Tokushima University
Lab HP:




Research in this group

Understanding the biological significance of H3K9 methylation for embryonic stem cell functions
Understanding the mechanistic interplay between methyltransferases and demethylases for H3K9 methylation homeostasis

Comment:I will try to approach chromosome function using live imaging.


林 眞理林 眞理 Makoto, HAYASHI


Program-specific assistant professor, The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research/Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University
Lab HP:




Research in this group

Chromosome ends are protected by telomeres. Dysfunctional telomeres result in chromosome fusions, which eventually lead to many problems, including cell cycle arrest, cell death, chromosome instability and tumorigenesis. We are currently interested in the molecular mechanism of the cell cycle arrest in mitosis, which is induced by chromosome fusion.

Comment:I will enjoy science!


公募班 H30~H31


境 祐二境 祐二 Yuji Sakai


Graduate School and Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Lab HP:




Research in this group

We study mechanisms of mitotic chromosome assembly and how they segregate from each other by using theoretical methods. The key players of chromosome assembly and their activities have been cleared experimentally but it is largely unclear how they assemble global chromosomes.
We are interested in relationship of local molecular activities to global chromosome assembly.

Comment:Let’s enjoy chromosome!


西山 朋子西山 朋子 Tomoko Nishiyama

名古屋大学 大学院理学研究科准教授

Professor, Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University
Lab HP:



ひとこと:Looking deep into chromosomes.

Research in this group

Sister chromatid cohesion is an essential process towards accurate chromosome segregation. Cohesion is mediated by ring-shaped cohesin complex which tethers two replicated DNA molecules in-trans until chromosomes are separated. On the other hand, cohesin is also thought to change chromatin structure in-cis to regulate gene expression in interphase nucleus. We aim at understanding how cohesin organizes chromatin structure in two different modes – in-trans and in-cis – in single-molecule resolution, and how these changings of chromatin structure are translated to cellular functions.

Comment:Looking deep into chromosomes.



小布施 力史小布施 力史 Chikashi OBUSE

大阪大学 大学院理学研究科・理学部 生物科学専攻・生物科学科教授

Professor, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Lab HP:




Research in this group

Heterochromatin forms round shape, called heterochromatin body and localizes along with nuclear or nucleolar peripheries. We have revealed that some HP1 binding proteins affects the formation and localization of heterochromatin body. Based on this observation, we will try to elucidate factors and processes for formation of heterochromatin body.

Comment:Heterochromatin and HP1



宮成 悠介宮成 悠介 Yusuke Miyanari

自然科学研究機構 生命創成探究センター 核内ゲノム動態研究グループ准教授

National Institute for Basic Biology, Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems
Lab HP:




Research in this group

We have a great interest in higher order of chromatin structures. We are trying to discover novel players to regulate chromatin accessibility to understand how cell type specific chromatin structure is established.

Comment:Stay gold



高橋 達郎高橋 達郎 Tatsuro Takahashi


Associate professor, Graduate School of Science, Kyushu University
Lab HP:




Research in this group

Homology-dependent repair (HDR) is a fundamental repair pathway for DNA double-strand breaks. HDR needs to be highly accurate to prevent mutations and chromosome aberrations. By combining in vitro models of HDR and high-throughput sequencing of the reaction intermediates, we study the molecular mechanism that ensures the accuracy of HDR.

Comment:We are fascinated by the elegance and preciseness of DNA repair.




舛本 寛舛本 寛 Hiroshi Masumoto


Kazusa DNA Research Institute、Head of the Laboratory
Lab HP:



ひとこと:CENP-Aかヘテロクロマチンか? 2期目もこの問題に取り組みます。

Research in this group

Centromere chromatin including CENP-A assembles on the centromeric satellite DNA. On the same satellite DNA, antagonizing heterochromatin also assembles. The mechanisms by which centromere chromatin impacts on the establishment and maintenance of proper centromere function for the chromosome segregation process have not been clarified. We will analyze how the centromere functional structure assembles and maintains on the satellite DNA using human artificial chromosome system, and how the shift of the chromatin assembly balance between heterochromatin influences the functional structure.

Comment:CENP-A or heterochromatin?



佐々木 真理子佐々木 真理子 Mariko Sasaki

東京大学 定量生命科学研究所助教

Assistant professor, Institute for Quantitative Biosciences, The University of Tokyo
Lab HP:




Research in this group

DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) are formed when replication fork progression is inhibited. However, it remains poorly understood how these DSBs are repaired. In this study, I aim to uncover the molecular mechanisms by which DSBs are repaired in the context of broken replication forks.

Comment:Work hard but always remember to have fun doing science.



林 眞理林 眞理 Makoto Hayashi


Program-specific assistant professor, The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research/Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University
Lab HP:




Research in this group

Chromosome ends are protected by telomeres. Dysfunctional telomeres result in chromosome fusions, which eventually lead to many problems, including cell cycle arrest, cell death, chromosome instability and tumorigenesis.
We are currently interested in the molecular mechanism of the cell cycle arrest in mitosis, which is induced by chromosome fusion.

Comment:I will enjoy science!!


永野 隆永野 隆 Takashi Nagano

大阪大学蛋白質研究所 細胞核動態情報研究室招聘教授

Guest Professor, Laboratory for Nuclear Dynamics, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
Lab HP:




Research in this group

I have been fascinated by the fact that our genomic DNA as long as 2 m is kept fully controllable within a nucleus as tiny as 10 µm of diameter. However, it is even more amazing in G2 phase of cell cycle where DNA is doubled! I can’t wait to see how the cell manages to maintain homeostasis throughout cell cycle.

Comment:I’m looking forward to being inspired by other members.


須山 幹太須山 幹太 Mikita Suyama

九州大学 生体防御医学研究所教授

Professor, Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University
Lab HP:




Research in this group

The amount of structural information of chromosomes by Hi-C method is growing rapidly. The main objective of my research in this project is (1) to understand mechanisms of gene regulation based on the conformation of chromosomes, and (2) to unravel how breakdown of the correct conformation or misregulation of gene expression contributes to some diseases.

Comment:I will explore the molecular bases of diseases using chromosome conformation data


鐘巻 将人鐘巻 将人 Masato Kanemaki


Professor, National Institute of Genetics
Lab HP:




Research in this group

By using the auxin-inducible degron technology that we developed, we are going to study the role of proteins important for chromosome structure and function. The key words of our study are the replication timing control, the replication fork, and chromosome instability. We also study chromosome structure by using Hi-C through collaboration with other groups.

Comment:Festina lente



朴 聖俊朴 聖俊 Sung-Joon Park

東京大学 医科学研究所 ヒトゲノム解析センター特任講師

Senior Assistant Professor (Project), Human Genome Center, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo
Lab HP:



ひとこと:メトロノーム180で“Molto Espressivo”に取り組みます

Research in this group

The rising influx of data lead from high-throughput experiments has forwarded the necessity of quantitative computational modeling. Here, by managing a database system for sequencing data about higher-order chromosome organization, we develop a computational modeling method to further our understanding of the impact of chromosome organization on transcriptional regulation.

Comment:Standing by metronome 180 along with “Molto Espressivo”




新海 創也新海 創也 Soya Shinkai

理化学研究所 生命機能科学研究センター研究員

Research Scientist, RIKEN BDR
Lab HP:




Research in this group

We will uncover the physical mechanism embedded in the contact probability of Hi-C data in terms of polymer physics and modeling. We are trying to bridge the gap among 4D nucleome data (Hi-C data, epigenomic data, imaging data, etc) through theoretical viewpoints.

Comment:Let us go to the chromosome world!